On Saturday June 18 took place a series of master classes for tutors - "TutorLab". We announced the restart of the portal Best Repetitor and our interactive online whiteboard Unimaster.
The conference was opened by Alexei Kulish, a successful tutor and millionaire. Describing his personal experience he told tutors how to manage personal finances, some simple techniques to reduce costs and increase revenues, how to properly form the price for their services, and how to pick up students
The second part of the conference was devoted to the presentation of the BestRepetitor website restart of the Bristar company. We talked about what innovations will face tutoring, how tools were changed, and which the conveniences are offered by the updated website. Since we plan to integrate our Unimaster interactive board into the BestRepetitor website, a short master class was conducted on the use of Unimaster tools and optimization of their work with the help of wonderful applications. Part of the presentation was devoted to edutainment and methods of using educational games in the framework of tutoring work.
Between the performances the representatives of the National Association of Teachers boasted of their achievements, and teachers from Kremenchug center ZETA tutors presented their innovative table-top educational games and booklets.
The final part of the conference was held under the leadership of Aleksandra Rudenko, who prepared special games and activities for the tutors. In a friendly and creative atmosphere tutors learned to develop links with each other and with their students, to get acquainted and make friends.
Thanking to the TutorLab conference, many people interested in modern and quality education have found each other and laid the groundwork for further cooperation.